E-mail: augnish(a)chiba-u.jp
- March 22-23, 2016
We held a workshop on Talk and Body in Interaction with Lorenza Mondada (U Basel) and Oskar Lindwall (U Gotherberg) at GRIPS. (Charles Goodwin gave a talk on Co-operative Action on the 23rd morning through the Skype.)
- March 20-21, 2016
We held a workshop on Knowledge and Interaction with Lorenza Mondada (U Basel) and Oskar Lindwall (U Gotherberg) at GRIPS. (Charles Goodwin and Marjorie Goodwin participated in the morning session of each day through the Skype.)
- March 24-27, 2015
We held a CA seminar with Tanya Stivers (UCLA) as instructor at GRIPS.
- March 15-16, 2015
We held a workshop on Demonstrating in Interaction with Lorenza Mondada (U Basel) and Oskar Lindwall (U Gotherberg) at National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo.
- February and March, 2014October 29, 2013
We held data sessions with Morana Alac at Meiji Gakuin University, Tokyo.
- January, 2013
We held a workshop on Multimodality in Interaction and data sessions with Lorenza Mondada (U Basel).
- March 13-15, 2011
We held a CA seminar with Gene Lerner as instructor at Meiji Gakuin University.
- October 10 and 13, 2009
Dr. Eric Livingston's lectures were held at Meiji Gakuin University.
- March 16 - 20, 2009
the 2009 Conversation Analysis Advanced Seminar at Meiji Gakuin University held by Paul Drew and John Heritage. [Page access is restricted.]
- March 24 - 28, 2008
Jeff Coulter's lectures and seminars on sociology of mind at Meiji Gakuin University.
- May 12, 2006
Panel on Exploring the Organization of Japanese Interaction in Various Contexts at the 2006 International Conference for Conversation Analysis
- March 13-18, 2006
Gail Jefferson's and Paul Drew's Joint Advanced Course on Conversation Analysis at Meiji Gakuin University
Appendix: Gail Jefferson's memorial
- August 7, 2005
Panel on Medical Talk in Japanese Settings at the 2005 International Institute for Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis Conference
- July 15, 2005
Panel on Instructional Talk in Japanese Settings (organized by Eric Hauser) at IPrA
- March 21-26, 2005
Gail Jefferson's and Gene Lerner's Joint Advanced Course on Conversation Analysis at Meiji Gakuin University
Appendix: Gail Jefferson's publications
- October 23, 2003
A Special Data Session with Timothy Koschmann: Medical Interaction in the US and Japan
- September 8-18, 2003
Gene Lerner's seminar on Conversation Analysis
Appendix: Gene Lerner's publications
- July 2 & 3, 2003
Pannel on Rules, Grammar and Interanction at the 2003 International Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis conference
- March 9, 2003
Workshop on Interaction and Grammar in the annual meeting of the Jpn Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences
- February 1, 2003
Rayna Rapp held a lecture at Meiji Gakuin University.
- October 16, 2002
Michael Bamberg's workshop
- September 22, 2002
Workshop on Conversation Analysis in the anual meeting of the Jpn Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences
- May 2002
Workshop on Leaning at the International Conference on Conversation Analysis in Copenhagen
- December 2000
J. Wagner's Lecture and Workshop
- September 2000
W. Sharrock's visit to Japan
- October-November 1999
Frederick Erickson's Workshop and Lectures
- August 1999
Jeff Coulter's Seminar and Lectures
Appendix: Jeff Coulter's Publications(September 1999)
- August 1998
Michael Lynch's Seminar, Workshop and Lecture
Appendix: Michael Lynch's Publications(April 2000)
- March 1998
Paul Drew's and John Heritage's Joint Workshops and Lectures
Appendix: John Heritage's publications
- August 1997
The International Conference for Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis: East and West
- December 1995
Charles Goodwin's Workshops and Lectures
Appendix: Charles Goodwin's Home Page
- July 1992
Jeff Coulter's lectures and Seminars
Aug Nishizaka's Publications