February 15, 2025
Publications in English
- Aug Nishizaka and Kaoru Hayano. 2025. "Targeting and double accountabilities of action in interaction." Text & Talk.
- Aug Nishizaka. 2025. "The temporal thickness of the lifeworld: The relevance of remembering." Ethnographic Studies, 20: 246-267.
[doi.org/10.26034/lu.ethns.2024.6921 Open Access]
- Aug Nishizaka and Minato Suzuki. 2025. "Seeing butoe performance: Synesthetic vision." Human Studies.
[doi.org/10.1007/s10746-024-09761-2 Open Access]
- Aug Nishizaka. 2024. "Single-case analysis." J. D. Robinson, R. Clift, K. H. Kendrick, C. W. Raymond (eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Methods in Conversation Analysis 1 487-51.
- Aug Nishizaka. 2024. "Experiencing space: Some uses of Japanese proximal spatial deictic expressions." Journal of Pragmatics, 226: 34-50.
[Manuscript downloadable here]
- Aug Nishizaka. 2024. "Activity," "Professional vision," "Project," and "Prospective indexical." Encyclopedia of Terminalogy for Conversation Analysis and Interactional Linguistics.
- Aug Nishizaka. 2023. "Doing inspecting in interaction: seeing the physiognomy of an object." Mind, Culture, and Activity, 30(2): 169-187.
[eprint link]
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- Aug Nishizaka. 2022. "The granularity of seeing in interaction." Journal of Pragmatics, 190: 24-40.
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- Aug Nishizaka. 2021. "Seeing and knowing in interaction: Two distinct resources for action construction." Discourse Studies, 23(6): 759-777.
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- Aug Nishizaka. 2021. "Partitioning a population in agreement and disagreement." Journal of Pragmatics, 172: 225-238.
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- Aug Nishizaka. 2020. "Appearance and action: Sequential organization of instructions in Japanese calligraphy lessons." Research on Language and Social Interaction, 53(2): 295-323.
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- Aug Nishizaka. 2020. "Guided touch: The sequential organization of feeling a fetus in Japanese midwifery practice." In Asta Cekaite and Lorenza Mondada (eds.), Touch in Social Interaction: Touch, Language, and Body (pp. 224-248). Routledge.
[Manuscript downloadable here]
- Aug Nishizaka. 2020. "Multi-sensory perception during palpation in Japanese midwifery practice." Social Interaction: Video-Based Studies of Human Sociality, 3(1). https://tidsskrift.dk/socialinteraction/article/view/120256/167872
- Aug Nishizaka. 2019. "Postscript: Thing and space." In Dennis Day and Johaness Wagner, Objects, Bodies and Work Practice (pp. 285-294). Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
[Manuscript downloadable here]
- Aug Nishizaka. 2018. "Aspect-seeing in the interactional organization of activities." In Donald Favareau (ed.), Co-Operative Engagements in Intertweined Semiosis: Essays in Honor of Charles Goodwin (pp. 345-354). Tartu, Estonia: University of Tartu Press.
[Manuscript downloadable here]
- Aug Nishizaka. 2017. "A sentence dispersed within a turn-at-talk: Response-opportunity places as loci for interactional work." East Asian Pragmatics, 2(2): 229-258.
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- Aug Nishizaka. 2017. "The moral construction of worry about radiation exposure: Emotion, knowledge, and tests." Discourse & Society, 28(6): 635-656.
doi: 10.1177/0957926517721081
- Aug Nishizaka. 2017. "The perceived body and embodied vision in interaction" Mind, Culture, and Activity, 24(2): 110-128.
doi: 10.1080/10749039.2017.1296465
- Aug Nishizaka. 2016. "The use of demo-prefaced response displacement for being a listener to distressful experiences in Japanese interaction" Text & Talk, 36(6): 757-787.
doi: 10.1515/text-2016-0033
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- Aug Nishizaka. 2016. "Syntactical constructions and tactile orientations: Procedural utterances and procedures in massage therapy." Journal of Pragmatics, 98: 18-35.
- Aug Nishizaka & Masafumi Sunaga. 2015. "Conversing while massaging: Multidimensional asymmetries of multiple activities in interaction." Research on Language and Social Interaction, 48(2): 200-229.
- Aug Nishizaka & Kaoru Hayano. 2015. "Conversational preference." In Tracy, K., Ilie, C. & Sandel, T. (eds.) (2015). The International Encyclopedia of Language and Social Interaction (Vol. 1, pp. 229-236). Boston: John Wiley & Sons.
[The publisher's online site]
- Aug Nishizaka & Kaoru Hayano. 2015. "Turn-taking." In Tracy, K., Ilie, C. & Sandel, T. (eds.) (2015). The International Encyclopedia of Language and Social Interaction (Vol. 3, pp. 1531-1538). Boston: John Wiley & Sons.
[The publisher's online site]
- Aug Nishizaka. 2015. "Facts and normative connections: Two different worldviews." Research on Language and Social Interaction, 48(1): 26-31.
- Aug Nishziaka. 2014. "Sustained orientation to one activity in multiactivity during prenatal ultrasoud examinations." In Pentti Haddington, Tiina Keisanen, Lorenza Mondada and Maurice Nevile (eds.), Multiactivity in Social Interaction: Beyond Multitasking (pp. 79-107). Amsterdam: Jon Benjamins.
[Manuscript downloadable here]
- Aug Nishizaka. 2014. "Instructed perception in prenatal ultrasound examination." Discourse Studies, 16(2): 217-246.
[A pdf file downloadable here]
- Aug Nishizaka. 2013. "The embodied organization of a real-time fetus: The visible and the invisible in prenatal ultrasound examinations." Reprinted in Paul Drew and John Heritage (Eds.), Contemporary Studies in Conversation Analysis, Vol. 4. London: Sage.
- Aug Nishizaka. 2013. Distribution of visual orientations in prenatal ultrasound examinations: When the healthcare provider looks. Journal of Pragmatics, 51: 68-86.
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- Aug Nishizaka. 2012. Doing "being friends" in Japanese telphone convesations. In Hisashi Nasu and Frances C. Waksler (Eds.), Interaction and Everyday Life: Phenomenological and Ethnomethodological Essays in Honor of George Psathas, pp. 297-315. Lanham, MD: Lexinton Books.
[Manuscript downloadable here]
- Aug Nishizaka. 2011. Response expansion as a practice for raising a concern during regular prenatal checkups. Communication & Medicine 8(3): 247-259.
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- Aug Nishizaka. 2011. What to learn: The embodied structure of the environment. Reprinted in Michael Lynch and Wes Sharrock (Eds.), Ethnomethodology, Volume 4. London: Sage.
- Aug Nishizaka. 2011. The interactive constitution of interculturality: How to be a Japanese with words. Reprinted in Zhu Hua (Ed.), The Language and Intercultural Communication Reader, Chapter 17. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
- Aug Nishizaka. 2011. The embodied organization of a real-time fetus: The visible and the invisible in prenatal ultrasound examinations. Social Studies of Science 41(3): 309-336.
[A pdf file downloadable here]
- Aug Nishizaka. 2011. Touch without vision: Referential practice in a non-technological environment. Journal of Pragmatics 43: 504-520.
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- Aug Nishizaka. 2010. Self-initiated problem presentation in prenatal checkups:
Its placement and construction. Research on Language and Social Interaction 43(3): 283-313.
[A pdf file downloadable here]
- Aug Nishizaka. 2007. Hand touching hand: Referential practice at a Japanese midwife house. Human Studies 30 (3): 199-217.
[A pdf file downloadable here]
- Aug Nishizaka. 2006. What to learn: The embodied structure of the environment. Research on Language and Social Interaction 39 (2): 119-154.
[A pdf file downloadable here]
- Aug Nishizaka. 2003. Imagination in action.Theory & Psychology 13: 177-207.
[A pdf file downloadable here]
- Aug Nishizaka. 2000. Seeing what one sees: Perception, emotion and activity. Mind, Culture and Activity 7: 105-123.
[A pdf file downloadable here]
- Aug Nishizaka. 2000. The neglected situation of vision in experimental psychology. Theory & Psychology 10: 579-604.
[A pdf file downloadable here]
* The second photo on p. 593 is a wrong one. The official corrigendum is at the following URL:
http://www.deepdyve.com/lp/sage/corrigendum-to-theory-psychology-10-5-2000-LNYPD3Z9iP. Hear are two figures that I sent to the journal: they are very similar in any way.
- Aug Nishizaka. 1999. Doing interpreting within interaction: The interactive accomplishment of a 'henna gaijin' or 'strange foreigner'. Human Studies 22: 235-251.
[A pdf file downloadable here]
- Aug Nishizaka. 1995. The interactive constitution of interculturality: How to be a Japanese with words. Human Studies 18: 301-326.
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- Aug Nishizaka. 1993. Religious faith as a communicative practice: Niklas Luhmann's theory of religion and the discursive accomplishment of indeterminability. International Journal of Japanese Sociology 2: 65-78.
- Aug Nishizaka. 1992. The use of 'power': The discursive organization of powerfulness. Human Studies 15: 129-144.