2009 Conversation Analysis Advanced Course at Meiji Gakuin University

Professor Paul Drew (University of York)
Professor John Heritage (University of California, Los Angeles)

Aug Nishizaka
Yuri Hosoda
Shuya Kushida
Tomoyo Takagi

What's New

Prospective Participants


This is an approximate programme for the CA workshop, in which the emphasis will be on developing analytic skills through data sessions; working on collections; and assembling, and making preliminary analysis of, a collection. Slight changes may be made to this programme as we proceed. [Paul Drew and John Heritage]

Monday, 16th Tuesday, 17th Wednesday, 18th Thursday, 19th Friday, 20th
9:00 - 10:25 Discussion of pre-assignment Data session - Virginia Talk by Paul Drew (Requesting) Data session - Virginia Group assignment presentations and discussion
10:35 - 12:00 Data session on the workshop focus (WF)* Preliminary assignment on WF (small groups) Talk by John Heritage (Epistemics) Data session on WF Group assignment presentations and discussion (continued)
12:00 - 13:00






13:00 - 14:25 Working on a collection

Data session on WF

Free (working on assignment) Supervised group work on WF assignment Group assignment presentations and discussion (continued)
14:05 - 16:00

Exercise Exercise Free (working on assignment) Exercise (on WF) Roundup

Homework WF assignment - working on making a collection Working on assignment Working on assignment Individual Discussion

* We're not revealing at this stage what the focus of the Workshop will be. We are organising the programme around a specific activity in conversation, something that is done in conversation rather frequently. We will be providing a collection of conversations, together with interactions from other settings/corpora (medical consultations and emergency calls), which will serve as the basis for the assignment which you’ll begin on the second (Tuesday) morning, working together in pairs.


