February 17, 2012

The 67th Meeting of Mind and Activity

Saturday, February 18, 2011

3:30PM - 7:30PM
Room 1555, on the 5th floor of Main Building (Building #1)
Meiji Gakuin University, Tokyo


There have been some changes to the program due to unexpected circustanstances. We currently plan to have one presentation and one data session.

3:30 PM: Aug Nishizaka,
Distributing orientations in multi-activity interaction: Joint management of activity-frames.

The participants in an ultrasound examination (a healthcare provider and a pregnant woman) orient to, as the dominant involvement at hand, what is recognizable as one of the official tasks of ultrasound examinations. However, during an ultrasound examination, the healthcare provider also performs various activities other than examining the pregnant woman's interior structure, but still relevant to the health care of the pregnant woman, such as giving advice. The question to be addressed in this presentation is how participants organize these activities as "subordinate" in the performance of an ultrasound examination.

5:00 PM: Data session led by Augustin Lefebvre,
The elaboration of perception in aikido practice

Gibson's concept of "affordance"(1986) focuses on information that is available in the environment to propose an interactionist view of perception and action (Greeno 1994). In aikido practice, members mutually perceive the partner's body and rely on that perception to project and accomplish their further action. The general purpose of this data session (of video-recorded extracts of aikido practice) is to examine the possibility of observing the interactional (sequential) production of "affordances".

If anybody is interested in bringing their own data, analyses, observations, arguments, or whatever, to a next meeting to discuss together, please contact Aug Nishizaka at augnish(a)soc.meijigakuin.ac.jp.