Note: 24th meeting will be held at Tsukuba University in Tsukuba.
I am in the beginning stages of this paper and am driven by the question, what is private about private speech. Though putatively useful for the self, I consider will consider 2 questions I consider basic to the function of private speech which have not yet been answered in the literature. First, how is private speech embedded in the stream of interaction? That is considering a one hour lesson, where does it occur and how does it function in those slots. Next, is private speech sequentially organized? This section of the research utilizes conversation analysis and queries that if private speech is private, is it possible to be analyzed via conversation analysis? And complimentarily, if private speech can be analyzed via conversation analysis, how can private speech be private?
I propose to answer these questions by examining video tapes of american 4th graders learning how to dissect biological specimens. I look at the same group of 5 students in three different dissection lessons.
As I mentioned above, I am in the initial stages of research for this paper and would therefore like to view these tapes with members of Mind and Activity on May 19th to help identify Private Speech 'interaction'.
It has commonly been noted that the mass media is not just a neutral source of information. At the same that it disperses information throughout society about individuals or groups of people, it also constructs and reinforces images and stereotypes about those people. This presentation examines how a particular part of the mass media, namely a popular Web Page devoted to news about sports, goes about creating and solidifying the "bad boy" image of a current American basketball star. Although the analysis is of a text that appears on a computer screen in written form, it borrows two notions from conversation analysis (CA), namely, "sequential location" and "practices". More specifically, the analysis attempts to show that by using the practice of "reported speech" in a specific location within the text, the writer is able to depict the sports star as possessing a particularly dislikable and unruly character.