June 18, 2013

The 73rd Meeting of Mind and Activity

Saturday, June 29, 2013

3:30PM - 7:30PM
Room 1555, on the 5th floor of Main Building (Building #1)
Meiji Gakuin University, Tokyo


We plan to have two sessions.

3:30 PM: Aug Nishizaka,
"Onsite Skill-Learning in Prenatal Ultrasound Exam"

I explore practices that sonographers use for the structuring of the image on the ultrasound monitor. Through these practices they instruct pregnant women (examinees) on how to see the image. I argue that through the sequence of actions initiated by the instruction the pregnant women learn the skill to see how to see it on site.

4:30 PM: Domenic Berducci,
Data Session: "Touch and the interaction order in infant/caregiver interaction"

6:00 PM: Augustin Lefebvre,
Data Session: "Interactions in Classroom of French as Foreign Language"

In this data session I will propose the observation of interactions in classroom of French as foreign language, relying on a corpus video recorded in the French Institute (Institut Français - Yokohama). In the video I will show, the students are Japanese learning French language at the elementary level. The teacher is also Japanese, teaching both in Japanese language and French language. Possible focuses of observation will be the doing-being teacher / student; the textbook as a resource for producing French language; the code-switching as resource for maintaining mutual understanding.

If anybody is interested in bringing their own data, analyses, observations, arguments, or whatever, to a next meeting to discuss together, please contact Aug Nishizaka at augnish(a)soc.meijigakuin.ac.jp.